Measurements of urine and blood of animals and humans with UV, VIS, NIR and Raman spectroscopy
At Water&Light we investigate health and disease. We assume that every person and every disease has its own unique personalized frequency pattern. We measure these patterns with UV, VIS, NIR and Raman spectroscopy.
We measure blood and urine to investigate the patterns and see whether constant patterns can be found for different biological system states (e.g. diseases). If these patterns can be found, this could be helpful to detect early onset of disease and enable treatment before the disease manifests on a physical level. One of our goals is to develop sensors for early detection of disease.
Little is known about the influence of different species and qualities of food (fruits, vegetables and herbs) on the human body. At Water&Light we investigate these influences.
The whole chain from seed, soil, water and vegetables up to human and animal level are investigated with light measurements.
Human photon measurements
Next to spectroscopy, we at Water&Light also measure ultraweak photon emission of human subjects. Photon phenomena are investigated from cellular level up to individual organism level, following the development of the highly sensitive photon detection techniques. The studies demonstrate the potential usefulness of ultraweak photon emission to extract biomedical information relevant for diagnosis of pathophysiological states. At Water&Light extremely sensitive photomultipliers and CCD equipment for different purposes are available.
Next to photon measurements we can also measure EEG, ECG and breathing patterns.