Agricultural research

Agriculture is still the basis for our food and health.

The food chain has become an important area of research in which numerous specialties have emerged.

Water&Light is directly involved in some of these studies

and is engaged in research on the meaning of biodiversity.

We measure seed quality at an early stage. Seeds and seed breeding are of course the basis for a healthy harvest. Especially the study of seed germination and the corresponding quality of a plant that should give fruit is our field of research.

We measure photon emission from seeds with our equipment, see the quality stored in them and further investigate the development from seed to full fruit using light measurements.


We also examine the impact of human manipulation on the measurable quality of food and what impact it could potentially have on human health. Classical forms of breeding we look at based on the quality of the final product. Previous studies have shown that biodiversity is critical to delivering optimal crops.

The light measurements we take directly indicate which elements are stored optimally and what resistance a crop has to a fungus or virus. Often, measurements allow us to indicate at an early stage what is wrong with certain crops and how quality can be optimized through biological means.

Especially in agriculture, one should be able to be able to guarantee an honest and good product because this is the basis for our health and resistance.

The use of toxic substances in agriculture can cause serious biological disturbances, and therefore knowledge of this area is critical to ensure that one can learn to manage a crop naturally.

Light measurements can clearly show the quality, resistance and the influence of a variety of substances and soil quality, and so one can optimize the harvest and continue to ensure diversity and quality during growth.

In addition to soil quality and lighting, water quality is also critical because the soil and water supply are the building materials for crops.

Our expertise in this area can be of assistance.