Medical research

Measurements of urine and blood from animals and humans with UV, VIS, NIR and Raman spectroscopy.

At Water&Light, we explore disease and health. We assume that each disease, different for each person, has its own unique frequency characteristics. We measure these patterns with UV, VIS, NIR and Raman spectroscopy.

We measure blood and urine to see if constant patterns can be found for different biological system states (e.g., diseases), in different individuals.

Once these patterns are found, it would be helpful to detect the onset of disease at an early stage to enable treatment before disease manifests itself at a physical level.

One of our goals is to develop sensors for early detection of diseases.


Little is known about the qualitative influence of food types (fruits, vegetables and herbs) on the human body.

At Water&Light, we examine these qualitative influences.

Everything that can affect, the quality of soil, water and seeds and the chain from vegetables to humans and animals is examined with light measurements.

Human photon measurements

In addition to spectroscopy, at Water&Light we also measure photon emission from humans. Photon phenomena are investigated from the cellular level to the level of an individual organism.

The development of highly sensitive photon detection techniques is closely followed herein.

The studies demonstrate the potential utility of ultraweak photon emission to detect relevant biomedical information for diagnosis of pathophysiological states from the system.

In addition to photon measurements, we can also measure EEG and ECG and respiratory signals.

Our knowledge in this area as well can be of service to you.